Τετάρτη 17 Αυγούστου 2011

Βόμβα από την ελβετική La Liberte για την εταιρία του Ανδρέα Α. Παπανδρέου

Απόλυτη επιβεβαίωση της αποκάλυψης για την Ελβετική εταιρεία του αδελφού του πρωθυπουργού, στο πρωτοσέλιδο της Ελβετικής εφημερίδας “LaLiberte”.(ανανεωμένο με την Αγγλική μετάφραση) Με τον τίτλο “Ελληνική Σαλάτα” χαρακτηρίζει τις οικογενειακές business, συμπληρώνοντας και την τοποθεσία “δίπλα στην λίμνη”, με πηχαίο τίτλο και μεγάλη φωτογραφία του πρωθυπουργού.

Το εκτενές ρεπορτάζ αποδεικνύει την ακρίβεια των στοιχείων που αποκαλύψαμε, αλλά ανάγει σε μείζον θέμα ηθικής ταξης αυτές τις δραστηριότητες.

Μεγάλη η αναφορά στις αποκαλύψεις του Πάνου Καμμένου για τις business, παρότι η εφημερίδα είναι κεντροαριστερή, με νέα τρανταχτά στοιχεία.

Η εφημερίδα μάλιστα προχωρεί πολύ βαθύτερα μιλώντας για “αφή υπεξαίρεσης”(!!!) και άλλα που θα μεταφράσουμε στην συνέχεια.

Το δυναμικό “Sibilla” γράφει τα εξής μεταφράζοντας το άρθρο:

Ελληνική σαλάτα οι επιχειρηματικές δραστηριότητες της οικογένειας γΑΠ, σήμερα για την…

…κεντροαριστερή ελβετική εφημερίδα «laliberte». Άραγε η αδέκαστη ελληνική δικαιοσύνη θα κινηθεί εναντίον και της ελβετικής εφημερίδας, ή θα περιοριστεί μόνον στα ελληνικά blogs;

Κύριε πρωθυπουργέ, ο κόσμος το ‘χει τούμπανο κι εμείς κρυφό καμάρι!
Μας πήρανε είδηση και οι Ελβετοί!

Ένα άρθρο στην έγκυρη ελβετική εφημερίδα «laliberte», κάνει ρόμπα την Ελλάδα και την πρωθυπουργική οικογένεια, αναφορικά με τις «επιχειρηματικές» δραστηριότητες του αδελφού του πρωθυπουργού.

Μεταξύ άλλων γαργαλιστικών και σοβαρών θεμάτων, για τα οποία εδώ και μήνες σιωπά ο πρωθυπουργός, γράφει:

«…Πάρτε ένα ινστιτούτο, υπό ελληνική σημαία και που ισχυρίζεται ότι το έργο του είναι η “ενεργειακή ασφάλεια και την προστασία του περιβάλλοντος”… Τοποθετήστε το στις προστατευμένες όχθες της λίμνης της Γενεύη… Βάλτε στο κεφάλι του έναν άνθρωπο, τον Ανδρέα Παπανδρέου, ο οποίος δεν είναι άλλος από τον αδελφό του Έλληνα Πρωθυπουργού…. Προσθέστε μια αφή της υπεξαίρεσης και μια πρέζα υποτιθέμενη σύγκρουση συμφερόντων μεταξύ των δύο αδελφών…. Η σαλάτα είναι έτοιμη…».

Ακολουθεί το πρωτότυπο άρθρο της εφημερίδας «laliberte»:

Διαβάστε το και στα Αγγλικά


MORGES – Take an institute under the Greek flag and that claims to work for “energy security and environmental protection.” Place it on the sheltered shores of blue Lake Geneva. Put at its head a man, Andreas Papandreou, who is none other than the brother of the Greek Prime Minister. Add a touch of embezzlement and a pinch of alleged conflicts of interest between the two brothers. The salad is ready: I4cense association, based in Morges, shaken in recent weeks the political world of Greece and the blogosphere.
(Photo Keystone)

An association registered in the past few weeks shaken the political world of Greece and the blogosphere. Because of strong suspicion of embezzlement and conflict of interest hanging over her. In addition, it is in the hands of family members of prime minister … His name? The Institute for climate and energy security (I4cense). A member of the Nea Dimokratia (right), Panagiotis Kammenos, was the first sounded the charge: “The institute has received funding from the EU, the Hellenic Republic as well as Siemens (note: the German company is also heart of a corruption scandal of officials). “And to ask where the money went.

Opaque structure
According to the Commercial Registry of Vaud, the institute aims to “promote and encourage the idea that energy security and environmental protection are two mutual and complementary concepts.” Noble intentions. But what is it really? For more information, you have to go in Morges. 1A number of Vine Street, the law firm H & B Law serves as headquarters I4cense. Marc Häsler associated study confirms that, under Swiss law, the Institute for climate and energy security is an association. “Everything is managed from London and Athens,” he says, being only a mailbox. There were conflicts of interest between the brothers Papandreou? More troubling, only two people are on the steering committee of the opaque structure: Andreas Papandreou – brother of the Greek Prime Minister George Papandreou – and his wife Marianthi Alexiou. A couple who has never visited the headquarters of the association in Switzerland, according to the lawyer. As for the domain name (www.i4cense.org), it is housed at the University of Athens by Andreas Papandreou. According to the list of activities of the company, several events have been set up since its founding in 2008. For the organization of the Forum of investors working in the green development of the Mediterranean 2010, jointly with the European Investment Bank (EIB) and under the auspices of the Greek Prime Minister that the event was presented. Was there enough to cause some conflicts of interest between the brothers Papandreou? “I4cense is a” think tank “known in Greece and some of our experts were invited to speak at their conferences,” says Sabine Parisse, Deputy Division Chief of the Press Service of the EIB. Who did not know the precise legal nature of this structure. She said even surprised to learn of the existence of the association’s headquarters in Switzerland, as well as charges of embezzlement.

An academic honesty
“The EIB has not contributed financially to the organization of the forum in 2010,” insists Sabine Parisse. “The only relationship between the bank and representatives of I4cense were to participate in meetings where all stakeholders were present for the establishment of the forum.” Clearly, I4cense agency has not been used for the organization . This is the C & C International (see cons) who was responsible for logistics. Office for the Coordination of events of the EIB, the charges against the association surprise: “Andreas Papandreou is a renowned academic honest and serious.” Opinion shared by Achilles Paparsenos, head of the Greek Press Office in Geneva, “Mr. Papandreou is a respected environmental economist. “Achilles Paparsenos attests to the seriousness of I4cense:” The links between the association and Greece are nothing new. And their website is a list of the Scientific Council which contains people like Jeffrey Sachs of Columbia University. Among the sponsors include the “Financial Times”. Mr. Paparsenos says the association has not received a penny of the Greek Government. He also wishes to recall that it intends to be transparent. He made the fight against corruption, gangrene of the national economy and the crisis factor, its workhorse. Transparency International noted in March that corruption cases increased from 13.4% in 2009 to 10.4% in 2010.

Stifled business
Still, this new case does not surprise the Greeks. Although it is stifled by the Socialist government. “This is not surprising. The media is in the hands of groups who have no interest in offending the government, “noted one journalist. “Only small radios and TV stations talking about it.” Meanwhile, a doctoral student made the observation that “all politicians and Greek businessmen have their money in Switzerland.” The government has yet to address several outstanding issues. A journalist from the ERT notes that the Prime Minister, a member of PASOK (Socialist Party), will explain in this framework: “What I4cense amounts received from the Greek state? Why is it possible to subsidize a non-Greek and NGOs based in Switzerland? “